The 10-Minute Rule That Makes Hard Work Feel Like TikTok

Rian Doris

The article discusses the concept of flow, a state of complete immersion and focus in an activity that leads to high levels of productivity and creativity. It can be achieved through specific techniques taught by the Flow Research Collective. However, this state of effortless exertion can also lead to unproductive activities feeling easy. This can result in time slippage, where we waste time on unproductive tasks that drain our energy. To prevent this, we must prioritize and track our time to become a "temporal architect" and achieve our goals more efficiently. Time tracking only takes 30 seconds and can shorten the "struggle phase" of the flow cycle. Flow is a state of complete focus and immersion in an activity, leading to high productivity and creativity. This is due to a temporary deactivation of the prefrontal cortex, which alters perception of time. However, this can also lead to unproductive tasks feeling effortless and causing time slippage. To prevent this, it is important

to prioritize and track time intentionally. Becoming a "temporal architect" involves pre-planning and scheduling chunks of time for maximum productivity. Time tracking can significantly improve productivity and shorten the "struggle phase" of the flow cycle. Time slippage is when we waste time on unproductive tasks, similar to mindlessly consuming calories or accumulating debt. To prevent this, we must prioritize and track our time, becoming a "temporal architect." Time tracking can lead to increased productivity and entering a state of flow. The article also discusses the challenges of staying focused and persistent and emphasizes the importance of intentional time tracking. Becoming a "temporal architect" involves pre-planning and scheduling chunks of time for maximum productivity. Outsourcing time to our smarter selves and creating calendars for different categories can improve time management and productivity.