Which Jobs Will Survive AI?
Tina Huang
The video discusses the impact of AI on jobs and predicts that some jobs may not survive in the next 5 years. The speaker uses the Occupational Information Network and is sponsored by Course Careers. They also mention the "ostrich effect" and provide a plan for viewers to take action. The video presents two sources with rigorous methodologies for predicting job impacts, including the Future of Jobs report from the World Economic Forum. It also includes tables showing the expected impact of technology on jobs, with some industries seeing job creation and others facing displacement. The article also discusses the potential for significant job decline in various industries and the role of AI in the future of work. The video discusses the impact of technology on the job market and uses two tables to show the predicted job creation and displacement in various industries. It also mentions two sources that analyze the future of work and the role of technology in employment. The article
highlights the potential for job elimination and growth in different industries, as well as the importance of social jobs. It also introduces the concepts of AI exposure and complementarity in determining the potential impact on different job titles.