Andrew Tate 's Most HONEST Podcast | Matt Kim Podcast #081

Free Thinking Thursdays | Full Episodes | Matt Kim Podcast

The podcast hosts announce new merchandise and ask for support as they are self-funded. They discuss the potential dangers of wearing headphones in public and their extreme lifestyle. They express confusion about people who do not prioritize their safety. The speaker shares their conversation with a girl who enjoys swimming with sharks, but they feel they already have enough adrenaline in their life. They also talk about living in a state of paranoia due to past arrests and enemies. The speaker believes in being overprepared and addresses accusations against them. The speaker discusses the importance of wearing headphones for security and focus, and asks for opinions on whether they should wear them during a conversation. They express their extreme lifestyle and fear of harm, and mention a conversation with someone who enjoys swimming with sharks. The speaker talks about their lavish lifestyle and paranoia, and admits to being a liar for entertainment purposes. They also share a

controversial opinion about women driving them in cars. The speaker had a conversation about swimming with sharks and their own adrenaline-filled life. They discuss living in a state of paranoia and their accurate predictions, including their own arrest. The speaker and their friend lived a lavish lifestyle but were arrested, proving the speaker's paranoia right. They believe it's better to be overprepared and address controversial opinions, admitting to being a liar and a comedian. They also share a controversial opinion about women not driving them in cars, believing men are better suited for handling dangerous situations. The speaker acknowledges their opinions may not be entirely serious. The speaker discusses their past experience renting a mansion and their current ownership of a mansion. They mention their lavish lifestyle and express a sense of paranoia. They also share their controversial opinion about women driving. The speaker admits to being a liar and that their

statements are for entertainment purposes only. They also discuss their sudden rise to fame and a gift they gave to a fan. The speaker admits to being a liar and using hyperbole and sarcasm for entertainment. They share a controversial opinion about women driving and believe men are better suited for dangerous situations. They gave a Starship lighter to a fan of cigars and Elon Musk. The speaker's rise to fame was through a podcast and they were inspired by Andrew Tate's motivational messages to start their own podcast during the pandemic. Their wife encouraged them and they learned how to do it through online research. The speaker believes men are better drivers and more emotionally stable than women, but acknowledges their opinions should not be taken too seriously as they are a comedian. They gave a Starship lighter to a fan of Elon Musk and discuss their sudden rise to fame through a podcast. Inspired by Andrew Tate, the speaker's wife encouraged them to start their own podcast

during the pandemic. Despite having no prior experience, the speaker gained half a million to a million listeners per day in just eight months, partly due to a video about Tucker Carlson and a personal experience in a car. They admire Tucker's approach of presenting facts with his own opinion and share the importance of wearing headphones while driving. The speaker gave a Starship lighter made by Space ASX to someone who likes cigars and is a fan of Elon Musk. They discuss the speaker's rise to fame through a podcast inspired by Andrew Tate's motivational messages. The speaker's success was unexpected, gaining half a million to a million listeners per day in just eight months. They admire Tucker Carlson's approach and share personal experiences, including a viral video about abortion and billionaires' submarines. The speaker also mentions the issue of exceptions in arguments about abortion. The speaker was inspired by Andrew Tate's motivational messages to start a podcast during the

pandemic. With their wife's encouragement and online research, they learned how to create a successful podcast. They gained half a million to a million listeners per day in just eight months, partly due to a viral video about Tucker Carlson and a story about a man being shot in a Tesla. The speaker also shares personal experiences and discusses topics such as abortion and billionaires. They are perplexed by people's choices, such as going down in a submarine to see the Titanic. The speaker's motivation for their work is to speak the truth. The speaker, who had no prior experience in podcasts or studios, started their own and gained half a million to a million listeners per day in just eight months. This was partly due to a viral video about Tucker Carlson and a story about a man being shot in a Tesla. The speaker admires Tucker's approach and shares a personal experience about the importance of wearing headphones. They also made viral videos about abortion and billionaires with

submarines. The speaker questions the purpose of going down in a submarine to see the Titanic and discusses their motivation for their work. They believe in speaking the truth, even if it may upset others, and do not see themselves as a philanthropist or savior of the world. They are willing to face consequences for their beliefs and question if they would still hold them if they were harmful to society. The speaker shares a story about a pregnant woman on Father's Day that made them think about abortion. They also discuss their viral videos on billionaires and their own motivations for their work. They believe in speaking their beliefs and taking action, even if it may upset others, and hope to inspire others to contribute to their movement against evil. The speaker, a wealthy and risk-averse individual, questions why people would go down in a submarine to see the Titanic instead of watching it on TV. They believe in speaking the truth and using their platform to help others, but do

not see themselves as a philanthropist or savior. They are willing to face consequences for their beliefs and question whether they would still hold them if they were harmful to society. The speaker believes in the importance of honesty and understanding the truth in order to create a fair and just society, even if it means going against established systems. The speaker recognizes their impact on individuals and their ability to spread truth, but does not see themselves as a savior. They believe in speaking their truth, even if it goes against established systems, and question their beliefs if they are harmful. They believe in the importance of honesty and the flaws in current societal systems. They hope for a fairer world but warn about the potential negative impact of advancing technology. The speaker urges people to understand the truth about society before it's too late. The speaker is aware of the potential harm their actions may have on society, but believes in sharing their

experiences to inspire change. They value honesty and see flaws in current systems, warning of the dangers of AI and government control. They believe in the need for a fairer world and caution against efforts to regulate speech as a means of preventing a cultural revolution. The speaker believes that honesty and truth are crucial for a fair society, but acknowledges that the world is built on lies. They warn of the collapse of flawed systems and the potential for AI to enslave humanity. They also discuss the impact of AI on human rights and the younger generation, as well as the potential effects on masculinity. The speaker believes that society's flawed systems, such as the judicial, medical, and financial systems, are on the verge of collapse. They warn of the potential dangers of AI and its ability to control and enslave humanity. The speaker also discusses the impact of technology on human rights and the decline of masculinity, which they believe will lead to men becoming

submissive and reliant on machines, ultimately leading to the destruction of humanity. The speaker discusses the potential consequences of AI technology on society, including government control and the impact on human rights for robots. They also touch on the decline of masculinity and its potential effects on men's protective instincts and society as a whole. The speaker argues that men need to prioritize protection and bravery in order to prevent the destruction of humanity. The speaker discusses the potential social issue of human rights for artificial robots in the future and how it may affect the younger generation. They also touch on the decline of masculinity and its impact on men's protective instincts, predicting that men will become infatuated with AI and give up control of their lives. The speaker believes this will lead to the destruction of humanity and argues that men need to prioritize protection and bravery over selfish desires. They also criticize the portrayal of AI

as cool and warn of a dystopian future where everything is controlled by machines. The speaker believes that the decline of traditional masculinity is causing men to become submissive and reliant on external sources for protection. They predict that this will lead to a society where men are infatuated with AI and give up control of their lives, ultimately leading to the destruction of humanity. They also argue that the attack on traditional masculinity is causing dangerous consequences, such as the inability to effectively address issues like immigration and the rise of robots. The speaker sees themselves as a "wrong thinker" for not conforming to these ideals. The speaker believes that the disappearance of traditional masculinity in society is causing dangerous consequences, such as the potential destruction of humanity by AI and the inability to effectively address issues like immigration. They argue that men need to prioritize protection and bravery over selfish desires and

emotional arguments. The speaker also criticizes the portrayal of AI as cool and believes it will lead to a negative and oppressive future. They see themselves as a "wrong thinker" for not conforming to societal ideals and believe that society is deliberately changing people's beliefs and ideas over time. This gradual change will ultimately lead to the loss of traditional masculinity. The speaker believes that those who oppose immigration are racist and avoiding their own flaws. They also argue that the rise of AI will lead to a dystopian society and criticize the portrayal of AI as cool. They believe that society is deliberately targeting and neutering men, leading to a breakdown of society and relationships. The speaker sees themselves as a "wrong thinker" for not conforming to these ideals. They also discuss how society is gradually changing people's beliefs and ideas through media and propaganda, ultimately leading to the loss of traditional masculinity. The speaker also mentions

how society takes away rights and creates a dependence on technology, making it easier for the population to be controlled. The speaker believes that society is being deliberately manipulated to give up traditional masculinity and become dependent on technology and government assistance. This will ultimately lead to a dangerous future where individuals are easily controlled and society breaks down. The normalization of once unacceptable ideas and the rise of robots are seen as part of a larger plan by those in power to benefit themselves. The speaker discusses how society is being manipulated through media and propaganda to give up traditional masculinity and personal accountability. This is part of a larger plan by those in power to benefit themselves and create a population of dependent and easily controlled individuals. The normalization of crime and dependence on technology are seen as deliberate tactics to keep people complacent. The speaker urges the government to increase

surveillance and warns of a potential crisis if the current situation continues. They emphasize the importance of understanding the truth to prevent strict control by the government. The speaker discusses how society's actions have led to a feeling of freedom, but also a dependence on technology and a lack of capable individuals. They express concern about the normalization of crime and urge the government to increase surveillance. The speaker warns that if this continues, the government may impose strict control and emphasizes the importance of understanding the truth to prevent this. They also argue that the implementation of AI in the judicial system may lead to corruption and loss of freedom, as governments seek control and may resort to punishment to maintain it. The author argues that society is becoming lazy and reliant on technology and government assistance, leading to a population of easily manipulated individuals. They express concern about the normalization of crime and

urge the government to increase surveillance. The author also warns about the potential loss of freedom and corruption with the implementation of AI in the judicial system. They believe the government seeks control and may resort to punishment to maintain it. The speaker believes the government is corrupt and constantly creates new laws to control people, and those who criticize the government are insignificant and face consequences. The speaker expresses concern about high crime rates and lack of safety, urging the government to increase surveillance and implement measures such as facial recognition and digital IDs. They warn that this could lead to loss of freedom and government control, and share examples of individuals being unfairly targeted and punished. The speaker emphasizes the need for people to understand the truth and reality of the situation to prevent further loss of freedom. The author argues that the implementation of AI in the judicial system may lead to corruption

and loss of freedom, as governments seek control and view dissenting voices as disruptive. They believe the government has too much power and can manipulate laws to target and punish individuals, as seen in their personal experience and other cases. The speaker also believes that the cancellation of Andrew was not due to his influence on youth, but because he had a large internet following and was seen as a threat by those in power, similar to the GameStop and Wall Street Bets movement. The speaker believes that the government is corrupt and controlling, making it difficult for individuals to maintain their freedom. They share personal experiences and examples of the government's power and manipulation, including their own accusation of human trafficking for giving advice on TikTok. The speaker also believes that Andrew's cancellation was due to his large internet following and influence, which was seen as a threat by those in power. They discuss their role as a leader in a movement

against the broken system and caution against organizing large protests. The speaker believes that the government has too much power and can easily target and punish individuals, even for innocent actions. They share their personal experience of being accused of human trafficking for helping girls on TikTok and criticize the subjectivity of the legal system. They also discuss the cancellation of Andrew, a leader who taught people how to use the internet effectively, and compare it to the GameStop and Wall Street Bets movement. The speaker reflects on their role as a leader in a movement against the broken system and the fear and opposition they face from those in power. They believe that once they become a national security threat, they are at risk of being targeted by their own government. The speaker also discusses their strong emphasis on masculinity and individualism, which they believe makes them a threat to those in power. They have been offered to stop speaking out, but see it

as a form of selling their soul. The speaker discusses their belief that Andrew's cancellation was due to his large internet following and teaching effective internet use, not influencing youth. They mention the GameStop movement as an example of people gathering around a leader and threatening those in power. The speaker reflects on their role as a leader in a movement against the broken system and the fear and opposition they face. They believe that once they become a national security threat, they are at risk of being targeted by their own government. The speaker also discusses their refusal to sell their soul to the entertainment industry and their distrust towards celebrities and the industry's control over media and manipulation of stories. The speaker discusses their role as a leader in a movement against the broken system and the fear and opposition they face from those in power. They believe that their strong emphasis on masculinity and individualism makes them a threat to

those in control. They have also been offered to stop speaking out, but see it as selling their soul. The speaker expresses distrust and paranoia towards the entertainment industry and its control over media. They have refused contract offers and believe it is a sign of their strength and principles. The speaker believes that their strong emphasis on masculinity and individualism makes them a national security threat and a target for their own government. They refuse to sell their soul to the entertainment industry and reject offers to promote certain issues for money. They see this as a sign of their strength and masculinity, despite being seen as a problem by those in power. The speaker believes that selling one's soul to the entertainment industry involves signing a sponsorship contract and being controlled in terms of opinions, behavior, and appearance. They refuse to do so and believe that those who do are subject to manipulation and blackmail. The speaker also expresses distrust

towards the industry and its practices. They refused a contract offer and believe it upset powerful people, but they choose to stick to their principles and reject offers to promote certain issues. The speaker hopes to inspire others to stand up against the system and create a movement to challenge those in control. They value their principles and bravery over material possessions. The speaker refused a contract offer and was later arrested, believing it was punishment for standing up against powerful people. They have also rejected money for speaking on certain issues, seeing it as a display of their masculinity. The speaker hopes to inspire others to challenge the system and not be afraid to speak out. They have come to value integrity over material possessions and warn against the consequences of angering the government. A man refuses a bribe from a makeup brand and stands up for his beliefs, inspiring others to challenge the system and potentially save the world. The speaker

believes in the power of numbers and finds satisfaction in being a problem to the enemy. They warn against the illusion of ownership and prioritize integrity over material possessions. The speaker chose to stay true to their beliefs and continue their message, relying on merchandise to sustain their work. The speaker encourages bravery and unity to challenge the system and make a positive impact on the world. They value integrity over material possessions and warn against the illusion of ownership. The speaker chose to stay true to their beliefs and not compromise for fame and money, and criticize those who have. They sustain their work through merchandise and do not regret their decision. The speaker reflects on the importance of integrity over material possessions and warns against the illusion of ownership. They share their decision to not compromise their beliefs for fame and money, and criticize those who have sold their souls for success. They also discuss censorship and taboo

subjects in the West, feeling constrained in America due to societal norms.