"Together Again: A Call for Unity and Support for Ukraine"

The speaker expresses gratitude for being together again after COVID-19 and emphasizes the importance of unity as Americans. They stand with Ukraine and condemn dictators, while highlighting the role of NATO in promoting peace. The US is taking action against Russia through sanctions, cutting off technology access, and supporting Ukraine. The speaker believes that Putin's actions will ultimately weaken Russia and strengthen the rest of the world. They stand with Ukrainian Americans and believe in their fight for freedom. The speaker stresses the importance of American diplomacy and unity in response to Putin's attack on Ukraine. The US and its allies have taken action through economic sanctions and holding corrupt Russian leaders accountable. They are also supporting Ukraine and defending NATO territory. The speaker believes that Putin's actions have weakened Russia and strengthened the rest of the world. They also discuss the success of the American Rescue Plan in providing relief

and creating jobs, and the need for fundamental change in the economy to benefit working people. The US and European allies are taking action against Russian oligarchs and supporting Ukraine's fight for freedom. The US will defend NATO territory and has mobilized forces to protect NATO countries. The speaker believes that Putin's actions have weakened Russia and strengthened the rest of the world. They also discuss the success of the American Rescue Plan in providing relief and creating jobs, and the need for fundamental change in the economy to benefit working people. The bipartisan infrastructure law was passed to address the country's declining infrastructure and promote environmental justice. The speaker discusses taking action against Russian sanctions and supporting Ukraine. They also highlight the success of the American Rescue Plan in providing relief and creating jobs, and contrast it with the previous administration's policies. The government plans to invest in

infrastructure and emerging technologies to compete with China and create jobs. The speaker discusses the impact of the pandemic on families and the economy, highlighting the success of the American Rescue Plan in providing relief and creating jobs. They contrast it with the previous administration's tax cuts for the wealthy and emphasize the need for fundamental change in the economy to benefit working people. The government plans to invest in rebuilding infrastructure, promoting environmental justice, and competing with China in emerging technologies. This includes a $100 billion investment by Intel to build a semiconductor mega site in Ohio, creating thousands of jobs. Despite a strong economy, controlling prices remains a top priority for President Biden.